Cell is microscopic mass of protoplasm which is the structural and functional basis of living organism. It is unseparatable part of living creatures. Although it is very small in size it has a very important functional work in living organism. The entire living organism functions like respiration, oxidation etc.takes place in cell. The cell was discovered by Robert hook (1635-1703).firstly he cut a thin slice of cork and observed it .He observed many small, hollow, honey-comb like compartments. For each compartment he gave the name cell. The cell is a Latin word derived from cellula meaning small apartment.
The cell found in plant is called plant cell. Cell wall is the outermost covering of the plant cell. Cell wall is compose of cellulose, hemicellulose and pectin .It act a protective layer in the plant cell. It is followed by cell wall. It is semi-permeable in nature i.e. It checks the entry of solute and ions .Cell wall is the outermost layer in animal cell.
Cell is composed of protoplasm .actually protoplasm is the functional unit of cell and life. Protoplasm with non-living inclusions and excluding cell wall is called protoplast. Protoplasm excluding nucleus is called cytoplasm. cytoplasm helps in the intracellular distribution of nutrients, metabolities and enzymes. It is site of glycolysis and biosynthesis of fatty acids, nucleotides and many protein. Cytoplasm consists of endoplasmic reticulum, vacuoles, mitochondria, golgibody, ribosome etc. there are two types of endoplasmic reticulum ie. Rough endoplasmic reticulum and smooth endoplasmic reticulum .Rough endoplasmic reticulum consists of ribosome in its outermost surface. Hence rough endoplasmic reticulum helps ion protein synthesis. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum does not contain ribosome and helps in biosynthesis of Phospholipids. Actually ribose is the site of protein synthesis. Ribosome is found in all type of cells. Golgicomplex is found in almost all type of Eukaryotic cell. It forms secretory vessels which moves to the surface of the cell and discharge the secretory molecules outside the cell. It stores certain protein and lipids. It is found in endocrine gland as it helps in secretion. Endoplasmic reticulum and golgicomplex forms lysosome. Mitochondria contains homogeneous granular matrix and matrix contains lipid, protein, DNA, RNA, ribosomes, granules and enzymes. Kerb’s cycle takes place in mitochondria during which food material is completely oxidized into CO2 and H2O. So mitochondria I called powerhouse of the cell. Chloroplast is found in only plant cell ..as chloroplast consists of chlorophyll it helps in photosynthesis .Green color in chlorophyll is due to the nitrogen.
Hence all the activities of living organism i.e. oxidation, respiration, production of ATP i.e. energy etc takes place in cell. In all living organism all the vital activities are due to the result of combined action of these cells. Therefore cell is the one of the most fundamental basis of life.
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